Commercial Mixed-Use Examples (pre-TerraVert)

  • Wellory Multifamily Building

    Owner: RCP Companies

    Role: At Lord Aeck Sargent, responsible for high performance design, 2021-2022.

    Project Details:

    Huntsville, AL

    328 apartment units

    $108m budget

  • Confidential Technology Project (generic image)

    Owner: Confidential

    Role: At HKS, lead of sustainability efforts, LEED Gold Certification, and embodied carbon reduction, 2022-2024

    Project details:

    Austin, TX

    R&D Labs and Offices - 1m sf.

  • Heritage Square Development

    Owner: Sterling Bay

    Role: At HKS, lead of sustainability efforts, LEED and Green Globes Certifications, 2023-2024

    Project details

    Durham, NC

    Life sciences lab and multifamily

Higher Education Examples (pre-TerraVert)

  • The Kendeda Building

    Owner: Georgia Tech/Kendeda Fund

    Role: At Lord Aeck Sargent, contributed to building performance, Living Building Challenge Certification, LEED BD+C Certification, LEED Zero Certification, and blogging. 2016-2022.

    Project Details:

    Atlanta, GA

    37,000 sf interors + 10,000 sf porch

    $25m budget

  • Daniel Hall Renovation and Expansion

    Owner: Clemson University

    Role: At Lord Aeck Sargent, responsible for leading sustainability efforts, Green Globes Certification, Building Performance. 2019-2022.

    Project details:

    Clemson, SC

    68,000 sf renovation + 60,000 sf addition

  • Student Success Center (Sinclair Library)

    Owner: University of Hawaii at Manoa

    Role: At Lord Aeck Sargent, lead of sustainability efforts and building performance analysis. 2021-2022

    Project details

    Honolulu, HI

    Amenity spaces for students, 115,000 sf

    $57m budget